Eyes Never Lie / Dwayne Wiggins


01. Fly Me to the Moon / Howard / 1:20
02. R&B Singer / Brooks, Lincoln, Wiggins / 4:37
03. What's Really Going on (Strange Fruit) / Allan, Pearl, Wiggins / 3:50
04. Move With Me / Santana, Wiggins / 4:16
05. Flower / Hailey, Wiggins / 3:38
06. Tribecca / Wiggins / 5:09
07. Eyes Never Lie / Brooks, Desiha, Wiggins / 1:35
08. Don't Sleep / Brooks, Butler, Cryer, Wiggins / 4:09
09. Let's Make a Baby / Gamble, Huff / 4:15
10. Rollin' Mountain / Jailey"Jo Jo" Michele ... / 6:45
11. Music Is Power / Graham, Rucker / 3:46
12. Pushin' On / Brooks, Wiggins / 4:41
13. What's Really Going on (Strange Fruit) / Allan, Pearl, Wiggins / 4:35
96年の傑作「House Of Music」からごぶさただったTony Toni Toneのメンバー、ドゥウェイン・ウィギンズのソロ。
冒頭2曲、「R&B Singer」と「What's Really Going On (Strange Fruit)」は軽めのファンク・ナンバー。
しかし、後述した「What's Really Going On (Strange Fruit)」は、ビリー・ホリデイの大傑作「奇妙な果実」を下敷きにした、人種差別に抗議する歌。
「Don't Sleep」と「Let's Make A Baby」は、70年代風、ニュー・ソウルが一段落したカーティス・メイフィールドを彷彿とさせるファルセットで感動。
93年のトニーズ名義のアルバム「Sons Of Soul」収録の名作スロウ「(Lay Your Head On My) Pillow」の続編という感じがします。

ところで、ライター陣の中に「Michelle "Jo Jo" Hailey」という人がいるんだけど、この人はK-Ci&JoJo?の人じゃないよね?





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  • A pension scheme <a href="http://adena.ro/v2/lovrub-sptl">lovrub</a> "This is really a story of relentlessness,'' Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis explained today as Massachusetts top law enforcement officials revealed that DNA preserved from the body of the Boston Strangler's last victim--raped and murdered in 1964--can now be linked with "99.9 percent certainty" to the late Albert DiSalvo?. -- Lawerence? 2020-10-08 (木) 08:48:22
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  • Incorrect PIN <a href="https://www.rebel-gamers.net/forum/silagra-canada-jymu">silagra anwendung</a> An estimated seven million people will sign up for individual coverage in the exchanges through 2014, according to the Congressional Budget Office. An additional two million people who work for small employers are expected to gain coverage in small-business exchanges. -- Dwight? 2020-10-08 (木) 08:59:13
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  • In a meeting <a href="http://bouw.scouts61.be/filorga-meso-mask-15ml-w92f">mascarilla meso mask filorga opiniones</a> "It was a difficult game. It was important that we won," manager Luis Gonzalez said through Monell. "I congratulate all the kids on the other team for their effort. Our team never gave up, and that made us get the victory." -- Christian? 2020-10-08 (木) 09:08:15
  • Could I ask who's calling? <a href="http://ebike4all.com/pantoprazole-dr-40-mg-tablets-generic-protonix-9h9c">uso del medicamento protonix</a> She said parents of novice drivers with ADHD should work closely with their doctor to make sure the condition is appropriately treated - whether with therapy or medication. Then, kids should get lots of practice in low-risk driving situations, and potentially work with a professional driving evaluator, if necessary, to make sure they're safe behind the wheel. -- Myron? 2020-10-08 (木) 09:08:16
  • We're at university together <a href="https://unef.edu.br/site/suhagra-50-kbhn">suhagrat ki shayari in hindi</a> While Feldman was having innocent fun with Jackson, the scene was different at a soda pop nightclub in Los Angeles frequented by Drew Barrymore, Ricky Schroder, Christina Applegate and, of course, the two Coreys. Feldman doesnâ??t name the club. -- Willy? 2020-10-08 (木) 09:08:18
  • Thanks for calling <a href="http://criticalpuppytrainingnews.com/pharmacy/index.php/can-you-get-a-girl-pregnant-with-viagra-dk1a">where to get viagra in johannesburg</a> The other method that is used in-branch is the 'interpay', which is used to transfer funds to a third party account of another bank. This is done in the branch, is only available to customers who wish to transfer in excess of â?¬3,000 and is charged at 0.75 per cent of the value per transaction. An interpay transfer can take up to three days to reach a beneficiary account. A [banker's] draft is an unusual method to use as it goes through the same clearing cycle as a cheque and therefore can take several days before the funds are cleared in the third-party account." Your daughter has now opened an internet bank account, which should prevent the problem recurring. -- Alfredo? 2020-10-08 (木) 09:11:30
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  • Hello good day <a href="https://euredski.hr/best-drugs-for-irregular-heartbeat-8dcv">www.tricare.mil pharmacy costs</a> "Most of those guys there have inculcated the hierarchy, the structure, the discipline the respect for authority," said Raelean Finch, a former army intelligence officer who co-writes a blog called "Captain Incarcerated" with a friend and former army colleague serving six years at the Barracks in Fort Leavenworth. (She asked that her friend not be identified further in order to preserve his pseudonym on the blog.) -- Alfred? 2020-10-08 (木) 09:11:47
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