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*New Orleans Piano / Professor Longhair [#qd5cd2d2]
01 In The Night~
02 Tipitina (Bonus Track)~
03 Tipitina~
04 Ball The Wall~
05 Who's Been Fooling You~
06 Hey Now Baby~
07 Mardi Gras In New Orleans~
08 She Walks Right In~
09 Hey Little Girl~
10 Willie Mae~
11 Walk Your Blues Away~
12 Professor Longhair Blues~
13 Boogie Woogie~
14 Longhair's Blues-Rhumba~
15 Mardi Gras In New Orleans~
16 She Walks Right In~
さすがにニュー・オーリーンズR&Bの元祖的存在、 とぼけたヴォーカルにラテン、ブギ、バレルハウス風味のピアノがからんで独特としか言いようのない雰囲気を作り出しています。~

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- Sorry, you must have the wrong number <a href="http://afriquedecouvertes.com/dexamethasone-sigma-npn4">dexamethasone 0.5 mg for dogs</a>  A lesser strain swept through the town halls and local education authorities (LEAs) of this country in the Eighties, as the far Left, defeated at national level, took refuge in the municipalities. This bizarre hybrid of censorship and cultural relativism did immense damage in schools but was pushed into full retreat by the erosion of the LEAs &mdash; a long battle now in its final phase under Michael Gove&rsquo;s successful captaincy.  -- [[Bennett]] &new{2020-10-17 (土) 08:12:41};
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