Hoodoo Man Blues / Junior Wells


01.Snatch It Back and Hold It (Wells) - 2:53
02.Ships on the Ocean (Blakemore) - 4:07
03.Good Morning Little Schoolgirl (Traditional/Williamson) -3:50
04.Hound Dog - 2:12
05.In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning - 3:42
06.Hey Lawdy Mama - 3:10
07.Hoodoo Man Blues (Traditional/Wells) - 2:49
08. Early in the Morning - 4:44
09.We're Ready - 3:33
10.You Don't Love Me, Baby - 2:58
11.Chitlin con Carne - 2:12
12.Yonders Wall - 4:10
13.Hoodoo Man Blues [alternate take](Traditional/Wells) - 2:50
14. Chitlin con Carne [alternate take] -3:20



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  • Looking for a job <a href="https://farmasi.in.rs/bestsellers/index.php/ciprofloxacin-250-mg-for-3-days-z8dc">para que serve o remdio cloridrato de ciprofloxacino</a> I was fortunate to have met Gerald Ford a couple of times. My grandfather Russell Koepnick played football with him at South High School. He visited my grandfather at his house on Marywood NE a couple of times in the late ‘50s early ‘60s. I also had breakfast with him a couple of times Thanksgiving morning at the Pantlind Hotel in Grand Rapids. Who knew then that he would become the president of the United States? -- Kidrock? 2020-10-25 (日) 01:26:11
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  • Yes, I play the guitar <a href="https://oscarlaverde.com/generic-sumatriptan-manufacturers-j97g">uktis sumatriptan</a> The National Hemophilia Foundation is among the groups that say it's still too soon to lift the ban. Foundation Vice President John Indence said it wants to make sure the science is sound. About 10,000 hemophiliacs contracted HIV or AIDS and hepatitis through blood transfusions in the 1980s, and many died, he said. -- Alvin? 2020-10-25 (日) 01:43:12
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  • Nice to meet you <a href="https://harbingerproaudio.com/non-prescription-prilosec-l37e">cost of prilosec 20 mg</a> It is great that the beta is going to be available on so many platforms and allow a wide spectrum of gamers to try out the game before it releases. I would love to play the Destiny beta but I don't normally pre-order games anymore. Maybe I will make an exception for Destiny as I think it looks extremely promising so far. -- Maxwell? 2020-10-25 (日) 02:46:36
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  • How much notice do you have to give? <a href="https://avatasvir.com/fm-world-magazine-online-hypx">radio fm world music</a> When a glass dome displaying a pair of Queen Victoria’s gloves was opened recently, a pair of Prince Albert’s gloves was found beneath them – along with a letter from the Prince Consort. The family had always known that Victoria visited Burghley both as a teenager (you can still see the camp-bed she slept on because her mother insisted her daughter share her room) and as Queen, but this letter displays a greater intimacy than expected. In it the Prince suggests to the second Marquess (the Cecils were promoted from earls to marquesses in 1789 – on William’s death in 1598 his son Thomas was created first Earl of Exeter) that he name his new daughter Victoria, and that he, Prince Albert, should be her “sponsor” (godfather). -- Jeramy? 2020-10-25 (日) 02:47:42
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  • I came here to work <a href="http://www.britishirishassociation.org/weightworld-rabatkode-1fq7">weightworld.fr avis</a> Deleveraging, deleveraging, deleveraging! Does the world have any other option but to deleverage? When Soth Africa transitioned to a post-apartheid regime, the financial juggernauts of the ‘blue-eyed’ West, as Brazil’s President Lula did not hesitate to call those who had, by then, been re-baptised ‘banksters’, insisted that South Africa’s debt stock (foreign plus domestic) should not exceed 50% of GDP. The apartheid-era masters of SACOB (South African Chamber of Business) imposed on Mandela a ‘blue-eyed’ financial wizard as Minister of Finance, and made sure that his government rejected Lance Taylor’s structuralist model in favour of Jeffrey Sach’s “Wshington Consensus “model for planning the future policy orientation of South Africa. And, when the ‘blue eyed’ financial wizard was replaced as Minister of Finance by the ‘coloured’ Trevor Manuel, they engineered a huge capital flight that sent the Rand tailspinning from 6 to 14 to a US dollar within a week. Similar stories can be told about the rest of the BRICS plus Thailand, Turkey, South Korea, Argentina. Why should these emerging economies and those of the energy-resource rich Central and West Asian countries stimulate their economies to save a profligate West that continues with its mad military bravado and hubris? For far too long, the US and Europe had thought that ‘structural adjustment’ is only a witch’s potion meant only for half-wit ‘less-developed’ economies. Let them take the potion that they so ruthlessly imposed on others not so long ago or leave them to their debilitating fate. Asia, at least, can safely decouple from an unrepentant West. -- Christoper? 2020-10-25 (日) 03:11:07
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  • Looking for a job <a href="https://www.invertermitsubishishop.com/princess-allie-gold-7j8v">pheidole pallidula</a> But there are almost certainly other factors in play. As with surviving the Titanic disaster, good luck may play a role. Some people may simply wind up in circumstances that defend them against obesity. In some cases, it is personal commitment and resolve â?? and hard work. In some, there is defense at the level of genes. We are learning more and more about genetic variation â?? both our own and that of our resident microbes â?? with implications for energy balance and weight regulation. Some of us are genetically more disposed to gain weight, others less. Those at the extreme of the bell curve may find weight gain nearly impossible; most of us know a person or two like that, although they are very much in the minority. -- Hubert? 2020-10-25 (日) 03:14:02
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  • Incorrect PIN <a href="https://happylights.pk/aspirine-upsa-vitamin-c-53ue">difference between advil aspirin and tylenol</a> On Sunday, Senior Col. Pak Gi Yong assured Hudner that the Korean People's Army was committed to helping him find the spot in the area where he and Brown went down. He said last week that the army sent an advance team to Jangjin but that flooding had washed away roads to the site, making travel to the region treacherous. -- Walker? 2020-10-25 (日) 03:43:13
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